June 2024


Everything is rolling along at a great rate of knots!

The team games have got underway with a poor return on points, but I can guarantee it’s not for the want of trying, The first game away was at Hollings Hall on a freezing windy night, the only point we brought home was Chris Thornley’s valiant half. The second fixture away was at Northcliff and it was me who brought the one-point home after being one down on the last tee!

We had a very enjoyable first friendly at Bingley St Ives GC and were well looked after with supper in the Billy Foster room.

I was sad to be informed by the Bradford Rabbits’ Captain they couldn’t raise a team for our friendly planned, we had a team of twelve lined up.

This Friday we have our fixture with the Ladies section and we have twenty members taking part (we just need a break in the weather to make it a good afternoon).

The next friendly should have been on the 20th June but we have discussed it with Bradley Park due to the big football match England V Denmark; we have agreed to re arrange.

The Bradford and Yorkshire Rabbits Fowler knockouts are still underway, fortunately, Simon and I won our game at Rawdon playing our second-round match and unfortunately, we lost our third-round match 3&2 on Wednesday at Fulneck GC.

Unfortunately, our President and Secretary came second playing Bawtry at Cleckheaton.

Bradford Rabbits Chippendale, Mr Vice Captain and Wilf King won their round at Skipton and are waiting for Bradford GC to respond to their request for a game day.

Unfortunately, Phill Lockwood and Dave Cartwright got knocked out by East Bierley (as we all know after the Spen Spoon, there is a lot of local knowledge up there!)

The trip to Otley GC 21st June is coming up fast and we need to collect payments before the day, Captain, President, Secretary and Professional have been invited, President and Secretary are attending
We are looking forward to getting the 200 Club moving.

Rabbits Captain / Presidents Day is taking shape with a good evening planned, we need to firm up on the final items and hopefully we can get some good support for the raffle so we can support the club with a appositive project. Tony and I would like to make it a special day and evening.

The Trip to Breadsall Priory is looking good and Toni has been doing a sterling job (a good term for money collecting) and we are looking forward to a great trip.

Finally, I would like to thank Tony Hubbard and Richard Carmichaels companies for sponsoring the new Rabbits gilets, they look really smart and all the Rabbits members who have got one are delighted.

Best regards

David Holmes, Rabbits Captain